
Visualizzazione dei post da febbraio, 2006

Olympiads in Turin 2006

Today 2006 close the great sporting demonstration that you/he/she has seen a mythical Turin! That sadness to see to go off himself/herself/themselves every reflector on a city too darkened from the position and from the prejudices milan... isti. You compliment to the Mayor Chiamparino for his/her attitude of service. You compliment to all those that fiercely have vindicated always their regional origin without ever feeling himself/herself/themselves second degree cousins. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Volevamo to win so much, but it will need to learn to be satisfied OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Oggi chiude la grande manifestazione sportiva che ha visto una mitica TORINO ! Che tristezza vedere spegnersi ogni riflettore su una città troppo offuscata dalla posizione e dai pregiudizi milan ... isti . Complimenti al Sindaco Chiamparino per il suo atteggiamento di servizio. Complimenti a tutti quelli che fieramente hanno sempre rivendicato la loro provenienz...

Twenty years in 1980

To be young inside and out it constitutes certain a great privilege; someone arrives by chance to us anagraficamente, others they run after with worry the same myth for the rest of the existence. One year lasts few to appraise the possible connections in which you are inserted, in remuneration the whole life remains you to realize than you/he/she is escaped you under the eyes. We were exuberant and optimists, the generation that would have realized his/her own dreams in the new millennium; everything was possible with the correct look and the correct dose of trasgressività. The blind enthusiasm made the American capitalism desirable, our Dna you/he/she has made us catastrophically snob the phenomenon China. Only few years and the whole world would have enjoyed some same benefits, a rich and global market where a place would also have been surely for us! What ignorant illusion. When it got up a weak conflicting voice, the sneer and the derision of the legionaries of the second war it wa...

Legitimate Aspirations

To talk to the images has never been so easy; many shiver to the idea that the manifestos are defaced with interventions pirates, but it don't perhaps call this New Language MEDIATICO ? I Find fabulous to be able to personalize every photo with a lifting or with a digital retouch. Among a few years we won't know anymore what ours are true characteristics, to advantage of those presumed on the web. Circles carbonaris will be born whether to meet himself/herself/themselves, to the dark of few candles, to show the prories Wrinkles; the only sure way to confirm an accord or to initial an agreement. When the majority of the sempregiovanis they will virtually live only, it will be heroic to face him of person or to reveal himself/herself/themselves the face in front of the impartial eye of a child. One day they will perhaps put on to the fire all the pixels genetically modified, and you/they will be declassed to the rank of cartoons, the human ones that a non moderate use of the ...