Legitimate Aspirations

To talk to the images has never been so easy; many shiver to the idea that the manifestos are defaced with interventions pirates, but it don't perhaps call this New Language MEDIATICO? I Find fabulous to be able to personalize every photo with a lifting or with a digital retouch. Among a few years we won't know anymore what ours are true characteristics, to advantage of those presumed on the web. Circles carbonaris will be born whether to meet himself/herself/themselves, to the dark of few candles, to show the prories Wrinkles; the only sure way to confirm an accord or to initial an agreement. When the majority of the sempregiovanis they will virtually live only, it will be heroic to face him of person or to reveal himself/herself/themselves the face in front of the impartial eye of a child. One day they will perhaps put on to the fire all the pixels genetically modified, and you/they will be declassed to the rank of cartoons, the human ones that a non moderate use of the Filters has done it Smooths and SMACCHIA.....


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