Twenty years in 1980
To be young inside and out it constitutes certain a great privilege; someone arrives by chance to us anagraficamente, others they run after with worry the same myth for the rest of the existence.
One year lasts few to appraise the possible connections in which you are inserted, in remuneration the whole life remains you to realize than you/he/she is escaped you under the eyes.
We were exuberant and optimists, the generation that would have realized his/her own dreams in the new millennium; everything was possible with the correct look and the correct dose of trasgressività.
The blind enthusiasm made the American capitalism desirable, our Dna you/he/she has made us catastrophically snob the phenomenon China.
Only few years and the whole world would have enjoyed some same benefits, a rich and global market where a place would also have been surely for us!
What ignorant illusion.
When it got up a weak conflicting voice, the sneer and the derision of the legionaries of the second war it was suffered (those that had not enjoyed of our same comfort).
If then someone tried to make projects ampler breath, here that the true monster of the eighties revealed him:
>> > The End Of the World Á. the to Strike Some time Zero <<<
Today anybody trace of the accounts doesn't remain backwards toward an unknown destiny that you/they have really marked my nights!
The doubt has pushed many toward an unprejudiced cynicism, also to reach the immediate success.
It looks like all the forecasts have come true, except that on the end of the world that would have avoided us to make to pay the consequences of an unbridled and amoral ventennio to our children.
One year lasts few to appraise the possible connections in which you are inserted, in remuneration the whole life remains you to realize than you/he/she is escaped you under the eyes.
We were exuberant and optimists, the generation that would have realized his/her own dreams in the new millennium; everything was possible with the correct look and the correct dose of trasgressività.
The blind enthusiasm made the American capitalism desirable, our Dna you/he/she has made us catastrophically snob the phenomenon China.
Only few years and the whole world would have enjoyed some same benefits, a rich and global market where a place would also have been surely for us!
What ignorant illusion.
When it got up a weak conflicting voice, the sneer and the derision of the legionaries of the second war it was suffered (those that had not enjoyed of our same comfort).
If then someone tried to make projects ampler breath, here that the true monster of the eighties revealed him:
>> > The End Of the World Á. the to Strike Some time Zero <<<
Today anybody trace of the accounts doesn't remain backwards toward an unknown destiny that you/they have really marked my nights!
The doubt has pushed many toward an unprejudiced cynicism, also to reach the immediate success.
It looks like all the forecasts have come true, except that on the end of the world that would have avoided us to make to pay the consequences of an unbridled and amoral ventennio to our children.
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